This month marks a year since my mother’s stroke. The hardest thing is remembering where we were prior to this incident and knowing we all will be better physically, mentally and spiritually after this season has passed. I could write for pages about the challenges facing our family as my little sister and I learn how to become proper caretakers, accept the responsibility of patience and Loving divorced ageing parents. I struggle with what it means to be a “good” Daughter, Manager, Entrepreneur, Role Model and Student. I am reminded that with every “Failure” is the opportunity to “Fail Forward.” This month the challenges are different but the intensity continues to increases. With that I am reminded it doesn’t get easier – we just get better. For the first time in a long time I have been forced to focus on the pain of failure, its consequences and the incidences that led to that degree.
For the first time in my studies I received an “F” on written assignments. After crying every four-letter word that could come to mind I could not help but to do just that – FOCUS. I say it all the time to my associates, “iron sharpens iron.” As I look at myself in the mirror and say the same thing. I remember that I want to reach my maximum potential and I want to help others around me do the same. Regardless of circumstances there are no excuses and no days off. I asked for it – I want to be sharpened. As I work to repair my estranged relationship between commas and semicolons, as well as get over the frustration of working with new technologies and personalities, I cannot help but to feel an uneasy sense of accomplishment.
In this last year I have heard it said, “If your dreams don’t scare you they’re not big enough.” The knots in my stomach have not gone away this month. From new hires, new opportunities, new case studies to read …. I am one assignment away from completing my most challenging graduate class to date – Advanced Entertainment Law. Also, in less than 24 hours I again will be in another state facing another set of eyes that will not be my own. Against the grain of budding circumstance I have gained the insight and tools necessary to properly copyright, trademark, secure trade secrets and properly register patents. Learning about “Cyber Piracy” I realize that there is still so much to learn in regards to the laws that govern cyberspace jurisdiction. In being forced to further explore cyber topographies I have started to realize how grand and obtainable my vision and dreams really are –
Aside from the many technical gradations needed to navigate the legal jungle the greatest lessons I have learned in this class has to be that “F” is for Focus. “F” is for Forward. Focus Forward. Pain is not pointless or without purpose. In a nutshell, to the humble hustler… as you turn your pain into a paycheck make sure you properly protect yourself, your brand and your works.
Now go "F" with THAT!!!!
Cheers to the beautiful Lessons Learned
Thanks for reading and sharing friends xoxoxo
P.S. All colloquialisms and slang were intended…. You know… for effect) *Wink* *Insert Heart Emoticon Here*
THANKS again for Reading and Sharing <3 #RYD

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