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TCU Graduation

Attending and Graduating from Texas Christian University #TCU May 8, 2010 is significantly one of the greatest and best things that ever happened to me. So grateful for my Community Scholars #Scholarship, Student Support Services and Ronald E. #McNair #Grants - beyond the cost of attendance I was strengthened protected held accountable fead and loved. I was taught respect and what it means to earn #respect give respect and have self respect. The importance of stewardship persistence and grace. Thank you to everyone who has ever been involved in my education inside and outside of the classroom I don’t take any of it for granted. I see I remember I know and I grow. As I continue to strive to be a responsible #global #citizen I work to pay it forward … cheers to us reaching our maximum potential and helping others around us do the same <3 #RYD #Birthday #Graduation I LOVE YOU MUCHOS XOXO

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